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Saturday, November 3, 2007

10 Sure-Fire Phrases That Will Increase Your Traffic !!!

Lots of cats have been asking how to get more traffic to their blogs, sites, whatever, well, pretty much everybody nowadays....Now here's 10 Sure-Fire Phrases That Will Increase Your Traffic. I hope this will help you in some ways. Churr :D

1 "Bookmark This Web Site Now" Tell your visitors to
bookmark your web site. They may see your web site
listed in their bookmarks and visit again. You should
also give then a good reason to bookmark your site.
For example tell them you add new content everyday.

2 "Subscribe To Our Free E-zine" Tell your visitors to
subscribe to your e-zine. When they subscribe you'll
capture their e-mail address. Every time they read
your e-zine, it will remind them to return to your site.

3." Participate On Our Discussion Board" Ask your
visitors to participate on your online discussion board.
By participating they will meet other people. By
meeting other people, they will revisit your web site
on a regular basis to stay in contact with them.

4. "Sign Our Guestbook" Ask your visitors to sign your
guest book. When people sign your guestbook you may
get valuable feedback or constructive criticism on how
to improve your web site. This may help you increase
traffic to your web site.

5. "Use Our Free Content On Your Site Or In Your
E-zine" Allow your visitors to use your articles on
their own web site or in their e-zine. Just ask them to
include your resource box. This will spread your
advertising all over the internet.

6. "Refer This Our Web Site To A Friend" Ask your
visitors to refer your web site to a friend(s). They may
know someone that would benefit from visiting your
web site.

7. "Fill Out Our Online Survey" Ask visitors to fill out
your online survey or questionnaire. You could use it
to get valuable feedback on ways to improve your web
site to increase traffic.

8. "Enter Our Contests" Ask your visitors to enter your
online contest or sweepstakes. People love to win stuff,
and they will visit your web site to try.

9. "Give Away Our Freebie To Your Visitors" Allow
your visitors to give away your online freebies to people
that visit your web site. Include your ad on the freebie
and those freebies will multiply your traffic.

10 "Join Our Affiliate Program" Allow your visitors to
make money selling your products or services. This
will increase your traffic because they will link to your
web site.

Get it Poppin' now...!

Good luck.

Daven. W
Team Leader of No.1 Business on the entire Internet,

"Millionaireboyzclub....We Help each other Make Money, Not sense to other haters. "
"Follow up and Close sales Aren't your Jobs, Get Paid Is."
877-815-3527 ext:63

10 Benefits Of Submitting Articles To E-zines

Alot of people was asking, put up ads on E-zines does it really work? Some company charge alot for only a few categories, and of course, results are not guaranteed. Now let me break it down for you in 10 points, you will be the judge and see if it worth your money.....

1. You'll brand your web site, business and yourself
by submitting articles to e-zines. You could include
your name, business name, your credentials, web site
address and e-mail address in your resource box.

2. You will become known as an expert on the topics
you write about. This will give you and your business
extra credibility which will help you compete against
your competition.

3. Your article might also be placed on the publisher's
home page. If they publish each issue on their home
page this will give you some extra exposure.

4. You might get extra exposure if the e-zine publisher
archives their e-zine on their site. People might want
to read the back issues before they make the decision
to subscribe.

5. You will get free advertising. This will allow you to
spend your profits on other forms of advertising. You
could buy advertisements in other e-zines that don't
publish your articles.

6. You might get extra income from people wanting to
hire you to write other articles, books, or even ask to
speak at seminars. This is a great way to multiply your

7. You could allow e-zine publishers to publish your
articles in their free e-books. Since people give them
away, your advertising could multiply all over the

8. You will get your article published all over the web
when you submit it to an e-zine publisher that has a
free content directory on their web site. They'll allow
their visitors to republish your article.

9. You'll gain people's trust. If they read your article
and like it, they won't be as hesitant to buy your
product or service. You will then be able to increase
your profits.

10. You could get your article guaranteed to run in
an e-zine. You could agree to run one of their articles
in your e-zine if, in exchange, they run yours in their
e-zine. It's a win/win situation.

Hope this will help you in some way, and wish your business goes well!

Have a profitable day :)

Daven. W
Team Leader of No.1 Business on the entire Internet,

"Millionaireboyzclub....We Help each other Make Money, Not sense to other haters. "
877-815-3527 ext:63
"Follow up and Close sales Aren't your Jobs, Get Paid Is."

Monday, October 29, 2007

EDC Gold is the Top Rated Internet Company

When I evaluate a company, I look for these key points. Keep in mind, when I join a company, my #1 goal is to make money and to do it legitimately. I do not want to hurt anyone or rip anyone off. This is what I’ve learned and these guidelines will help you determine what company is right for you.
1. If you are not making at least 75% of the upfront commission when you make a sale, forget it. This means that you are doing all the work and the company and/or the person above you is making all the money.
2. If you have to have 1000, 10,000 or 20,000 people in your organization before you make any real money. DO NOT Join. Most people will NEVER get there.
3. If they teach you to hold home parties and invite all your friends. Run away fast.
4. If they have a sales pitch 2-3 times a day and only 2-3 training classes per week.
This means that the company is more interested in selling you than training you how to make money long term
5. If you can’t break even or get into profit with 3 sales, forget it.
6. If you can’t speak with the owners or the corporate office via phone or webinar,
Forget it. I like to know who I am doing business with before I will do business with them.
7. If it is a start up or in pre launch, forget. The chances of these companies becoming the next Amway is about as good as winning the lottery. At least with the lottery, you have a chance to win once or twice a week. You might as well go to Vegas and blow your money on a good time. At least you’ll have some great memories, see a great show and have a great meal.

These are not all the rules for success on the internet, but this is a great guideline to follow when evaluating an internet company. Use these guidelines to help you narrow down your choices for choosing a company that best fits yours goals.
After months and months of research, there is one company that stands out as the #1 Home Based Business on the Internet. The Top Rated Internet Company for Making Money is EDC Gold. EDC Gold gets a Gold Star for several reasons. It is the only company that gives you a real chance to make big money on internet. They pay out 100% commission. The owners work the business with you to ensure your success. The training at EDC Gold is worth the price of admission alone. The Marketing System at EDC Gold is the best. They have a marketing system that flat out works.

To Learn more about EDC Gold and how it can help you be successful on the internet here:

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